Ideas with IMPACT

Civics Podcast Application



Our CIVICS PODCAST grant was created to increase student civic engagement through podcasting. Our grant will provide teachers with the funds necessary to purchase equipment for students to produce their podcast and the platform to share them with their peers, their community, and the world! 

学生播客可以涵盖各种相关话题,比如电子烟, gun laws, social media, bullying, and environmental issues - but ultimately the students will select relevant issues of most concern to them. 获得播客资助的教师帮助学生研究课题, identify interview subjects, help students secure interviews, write interview questions, 并使用批判性思维技能来分析多个观点. 

资金可用于购买播客录音工具(不超过300美元), and video creation, 编辑和脚本听写软件包. 获资助学生须向AG亚游集团官方网站提交他们的学生播客主题, 所有的学生播客都必须包括采访. 欢迎参加11月4日的创意博览工作坊, 将提供技术细节方面的培训, interviewing techniques and more.

*低年级教师可例外. 申请前请联系Ideas with Impact项目总监.



  • 允许学生选择他们播客的主题. 他们可以选择全年专注于一个主题,也可以选择多个主题. 允许学生选择主题给了他们自主性,增加了兴趣和参与度.
  • 播客帮助学生学习建立和捍卫他们对主题的观点。, 并学会倡导他们希望看到的变化.
  • 进行访谈为学生提供了很强的研究技能, journalism, debate, and critical thinking. Conducting interviews requires students to ask follow-up questions and be able to process information quickly.
  • 对于年轻的学习者来说,播客有助于培养语言和沟通技巧

Contact Information:
Audrey Onyeike
Program Director
Ideas with IMPACT
The Education Fund